In honor of TMJ Awareness Month, your Richmond, TX dentist wants to make sure you know about certain conditions related to your jaw joint, or TMJ, and how they can impact your smile and your quality of life.
When your TMJ is misaligned, it can lead to widespread symptoms like headaches, earache-like pain, and soreness in the jaw, face, and even down to your shoulders and upper back.
Teeth grinding and clenching is a habit, often involuntary, that’s also related to TMJ problems.
This can put your oral health at risk because of cracks, chips, and other kinds of dental damage, not to mention the pain that comes with all that tension and stress being put on your jaw.
If you want to protect your teeth and feel better, then visit us for customized TMJ and teeth grinding solutions! We’ll help you end this habit and reduce your painful symptoms with non-invasive treatment.
Call Dental Garden today at 281-853-9215 for an appointment in Richmond, TX. You can also request an appointment online.
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